ISO 44001 Official Publication Marks the Begin of a New Era for Business Relationships

“The International Standard for Collaborative Business Relationships has now been published by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in Geneva . . . ICW is proud to have been instrumental in the development of this standard alongside BSI”. – Press Release, March 2017

In the past, measuring or quantifying business relationship success has always been done after-the-fact based on the achievement of the desired outcome.

The challenge with this approach is that it rarely if ever established a definitive and scalable model that could proactively provide guidance. In other words, there was no way to reliably identify the potential gaps in a complex business arrangement and address them, before the initiative was well under way.

Given the continuing high rate of “complex” business relationship failures, something had to be done to create, from the beginning, a consistent approach that maintained the needed balance between a clearly defined process of continual engagement and individual case adaptability.

Consistent with other management standards, such as ISO 9001, ISO 44001 establishes the guidelines for achieving successful relationship outcomes, through the utilization of a “definitive scorecard” that will enable organizations to identify the gaps in their critical relationships and implement corrective measures throughout the entire relationship period.

ICW Canada will be introducing the new ISO 44001 Standard through a series of sponsored quarterly webinars.

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